mailing list

Be the first to know about my newest pieces when they become available and before they are made public. This gives you a first chance to adopt one of my creations.
Your e-mail address as well as any other information that you will ever provide to me, will be kept absolutely confidential and private. I will never share or sell any of your information. Please review the full Privacy Policy for more detail.

I am always happy to receive your subscription to my mailing list. The only e-mails you will receive from me are my newsletters, which will be emailed a few times a year with news regarding blogupdates and new available pieces. You can remove yourself from my newsletters at any time. There is a link in every e-mail to unsubscribe.

Thank you so much for your visit, 
Thea xx

Please note:
You can sign up here, please fill out the contact form below. You should receive a confirmation e-mail when you are added to my database.  Just in case that you haven't received your confirmation e-mail, please check your spam folder to make sure it didn't end up there by accident!

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